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SASS and Colour

Posted Oct 15, 2011 in Web Design

One of the things I love about SASS is how it makes colour so mutable and interactive. Traditionally I’d preset my colours laboriously in Photoshop and transfer them to the CSS file via cut-and-paste, going back and forth to tweak hues and shades. Or I’d stick to basic, easily remembered values such as #ccc (shortcut for #cccccc, a light grey).

SASS’s variables and colour functions change all that.

Take the following code block:

	h2 {
		padding: 0.2em 0.5em;
		background: lighten(rgba($accent_colour, 0.7), 80%);	
		clear: both;
		font-weight: 500;
		text-align: right;

I’ve already defined the accent_colour, so for its background colour I just take the variable, and pass it to the lighten function, and lighten it by 80%. Easy, and useful.

But wait, there’s more! You’ll see I’ve also used the rgba function to set the opacity of the background colour to a value of 0.7, without having to write out the entire rgba(0,0,255,0.7) value. The rgba function even allows me to pass hex colours to be transparentised, like so: rgba(#ccc, 0.6). Almost too easy. The usual caveats about checking the resulting colours for appropriate contrast levels apply (and, usefully, there’s a contrast function that you can use to ensure the colours you generate conform to accessibility standards).

2 comments so far

Comment by Ben Buchanan at 16 October, 02:08 pm

SASS link is broken, needs to be

Do you have a link for the contrast function?

Comment by Nick Caldwell at 16 October, 08:13 pm

Blast, thought I’d already caught that one.

The colour contrast tool is actually part of Compass. I’ve never used one without the other, so they sometimes blur together. It’s still using the underlying SASS colour functionality, of course.

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